Sunday, July 27, 2008

Signapore Parenting Portal

There appears to be a Singapore parenting portal that promotes parenting using Asian culture. We talk about local things like Sepak Takraw, playing zero point, confinement recipes, feng shui etc.

this seems to be cool.. i don't really advocate kids to start playing computer too early an age.. as a matter of fact.. studies have shown that children exposed to telly early are prone to be hyperactive.. my take is also because telly feeds information to children, so this will actually stifle the children innate need to search for answers. of course there is advantages, with telly, but i think they will learn along the way through life, telly just over exposed them..

my two cents worth.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Milestone at 4 months

What your child might do:
Physically and mentally
• Lifts head up by 90 degrees << yup can do it.
• Has stronger neck support << yup..much better now
• Is able to follow objects with eyes in a 180-degree arc << yup..always looking around and following
• Clearly recognises bottle or breast << now on not relevant
• Recognises that people have labels (that you are ‘mama’, father is ‘dada’ etc).. << maybe can start exploring for shanie to start calling me dadi dadi.. wonder if it will work. my friend claims that her niece can start saying hi! and yes!~ ..and the niece is like 2.5months?? omg!

• Likes to explore things by putting them in mouth<< oh no!! but shane hasn't start this habit although he like to play with his tongue.. gonna be a great kisser someday hee..hee..

• Reaches for favourite objects >> he does attempts to reach out.. not sure if it's purposeful though.

• Responds more actively to rattle or bell sounds << definitely..
• Makes gestures such as waving arms to be picked up << oh yes.. starting to wave wave wanting to be carried..
• Supports weight on legs with help<< yup..geez..he wants to stand now!! haven't even started to learn how to roll.

• May sit with support << yup definitely..
• May roll over from stomach to back<< yup.. but geez wheez he does grunt on occassions when he can't perform the turn..aiyo.

Language and emotions
• Makes sputtering sounds << yup..plentiful
• Babbles more often << lots of ah goo..ahh..errr..ooh..ahhhh.
• Experiments with new noises by changing shape of mouth << sure..why not..
• Laughs when tickled – may even belly laugh! << yup...beautiful and charming smile..melt your heart when he does it!

SleepBabies usually sleep for a stretch of at least six to eight hours a night by this age and take two or three naps in the day. << cool.

Ideal toys for this age
Toys with flashing lights and sounds << responding responding..

Useful tips
Do you know that baby can enjoy a good book even at this age?
Don’t worry if he/ she is more interested in eating it than reading it. Choose colourful board books, such as books about shapes and colours or books with different-textured fabric swatches. <<< looks good..will try out soon!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Celebrating Shane's 3 months

In his cutest pose.. hehe at 3 months..he's such a darling.
Babies all do behave different don't they? Little shane has very short sleep/waking periods.. light sleeper.. good in a way. not like old shawnie boy such a pig..always sleep like a log.. not good in a way because i guess the frequent waking does requires alot of attention from the carer.. not sure the implication of his brain development.
nevertheless oh boy.. he is really try to walk!! haven't even started to roll from his back (he can successfully turn from his front), haven't started to crawl... but he just keep wanting to stand!! aiyo.